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The most up to date list of papers, chapters and pre-prints from the VoCoLab can be found on Google Scholar
Older papers (2020 and earlier), with links:
Contributions from VoCoLab members are highlighted in caps.


BELYK, M., Brown, R., Beal, D. S., Roebroeck, A., MCGETTIGAN, C., GULDNER, S., & Kotz, S. A. (2020). Human specific neurophenotype integrates laryngeal and respiratory components of voice motor control. PsyArXiv

BRADSHAW, A. R., & MCGETTIGAN, C. Instrumental learning in social interactions: trait learning from faces and voices. PsyArXiv


LAVAN, N., & MCGETTIGAN, C. (2019). Toward a unified account of person perception from familiar and unfamiliar voices. PsyArXiv

LAVAN, N., Mileva, M., Burton, M., Young, A., & MCGETTIGAN, C. (2020). Trait evaluations of faces and voices: Comparing within-and between-person variability. PsyArXiv

PAYNE, B., LAVAN, N., KNIGHT, S., & MCGETTIGAN, C. (2019). Perceptual prioritisation of self-associated voices. PsyArXiv

Tsantani, M., Kriegeskorte, N., Storrs, K., Williams, A. L., MCGETTIGAN, C., & Garrido, L. (2020). FFA and OFA encode distinct types of face identity information. bioRxiv


GULDNER, S., Nees, F., MCGETTIGAN, C. (2020) Vocomotor and Social Brain Networks Work Together to Express Social Traits in Voices. Cerebral Cortex

LAVAN, N., Mileva, M., & MCGETTIGAN, C. (2020). How does familiarity with a voice affect trait judgements?. British Journal of Psychology.


Johnson, J., McGettigan, C., & Lavan, N. (2019). Comparing unfamiliar voice and face identity perception using identity sorting tasks. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology

LAVAN, N., KNIGHT, S. & MCGETTIGAN, C. (2019). Listeners form average-based representations of individual voice identities – even when they have never heard the average. Nature Communications 10, 2404. Link

LAVAN, N., KNIGHT, S., Hazan, V., & MCGETTIGAN, C. (in press). The effects of high variability training on voice identity learning. Cognition 193, 104026. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2019.104026

LAVAN, N., Burton, A. M., Scott, S. K., & MCGETTIGAN, C. (2019). Flexible voices: Identity perception from variable vocal signalsPsychonomic Bulletin and Review 26, 90-102. Link

LAVAN, N., Burston, L. F., Ladwa, P., Merriman, S. E., Knight, S., & MCGETTIGAN, C. (2019). Breaking voice identity perception: Expressive voices are more confusable for listenersQuarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology72(9), 2240-2248.

LAVAN, N., Domone, A., Fisher, B., Kenigzstein, N., Scott, S. K., & MCGETTIGAN, C. (2019). Speaker Sex Perception from Spontaneous and Volitional Nonverbal VocalizationsJournal of Nonverbal Behavior, 43(1), 1-22.

LAVAN, N., Merriman, S. E., Ladwa, P., Burston, L., KNIGHT, S., & MCGETTIGAN, C. (2019). “Please sort these sounds into 2 identities”: Effects of task instructions on performance in voice sorting studies. British Journal of Psychology

Tsantani, M., Kriegeskorte, N., MCGETTIGAN, C., & Garrido, L. (2019). Faces and voices in the brain: RSA reveals modality-general person-identity representations in the STS. NeuroImage 201, 116004



Agnew, Z. K., MCGETTIGAN, C., Banks, B., Scott, S.K. (2018). Group and individual variability in speech production networks during delayed auditory feedback. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. Link

Agnew, Z. K., Banissy, M. J., MCGETTIGAN, C., & Scott, S.K. (2018). Investigating the neural basis of theta burst stimulation to premotor cortex on emotional vocalisation perception: A combined TMS-fMRI study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 28, 150. Link

LAVAN, N., Short, B., Wilding, A., & MCGETTIGAN, C. (2018). Impoverished encoding of speaker identity in spontaneous laughter. Evolution and Human Behavior, 39, 139-145. Link/PDF 

KNIGHT, S., LAVAN, N., KANBER, E., & MCGETTIGAN, C. (2018). The social code of speech prosody must be specific and generalizable. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115 (27), E6103. Link

MCGETTIGAN, C., & Tremblay, P. (2018). Links between perception and production: Examining the roles of motor and premotor cortices in understanding speech. In G.M. Gaskell, & S-A. Rueschemeyer (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Psycholinguistics. Oxford University Press. Link/PDF


CAREY, D., Miquel, M.E., Evans, B.G., Adank, P. & MCGETTIGAN, C. (2017). Functional brain outcomes of L2 speech learning emerge during sensorimotor transformation. NeuroImage, 159, 18-31. Link/PDF

CAREY, D., Miquel, M. E., Evans, B. G., Adank, P., & MCGETTIGAN, C. (2017). Vocal tract images reveal neural representations of sensorimotor transformation during speech imitation. Cerebral Cortex, 27(5), 3064–3079. Link/PDF

Evans, S., & MCGETTIGAN, C. (2017). Comprehending auditory speech: Previous and potential contributions of functional MRI. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 32(7), 829-846. Link/PDF

Kuhn, L. K., Wydell, T., LAVAN, N., MCGETTIGAN, C., & Garrido, L. (2017). Similar representations of emotions across faces and voices. Emotion, 17(6), 912-937. Link/PDF


LAVAN, N., Rankin, G., Lorking, N., Scott, S.K., & MCGETTIGAN, C. (2017). Neural correlates of the affective properties of spontaneous and volitional laughter types. Neuropsychologia, 95, 30-39. Link/PDF

MCGETTIGAN, C., Jasmin, K., Eisner, F., Agnew, Z., Josephs, O., Calder, A., Jessop, R., Lawson, R., Spielmann, M., & Scott, S.K. (2017). You talkin' to me? Communicative talker gaze activates left-lateralized superior temporal cortex during perception of degraded speech. Neuropsychologia, 100, 51-63. Link/PDF


CAREY, D., & MCGETTIGAN, C. (2016). Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain and vocal tract: applications to the study of speech production and language learning. Neuropsychologia, 98, 201-211. Link/PDF

Evans, S., MCGETTIGAN, C., Agnew, Z.K., Rosen, S., Scott, S.K. (2016) Getting the cocktail party started: masking effects in speech perception. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 28(3), 483-500Link/PDF

Jasmin, K., MCGETTIGAN,C., Agnew Z., LAVAN, N., Oliver, J., Cummins, F. & Scott, S. K. (2016). Cohesion and joint speech - right hemisphere contributions to synchronized vocal production. Journal of Neuroscience 36, 4669-4680. Link/PDF

LAVAN, N. & MCGETTIGAN, C. (2016) Increased discriminability of authenticity from multimodal laughter is driven by auditory information. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70(10), 2159-2168. Link/PDF

LAVAN, N., Scott, S. K. & MCGETTIGAN, C. (2016) Impaired generalization of speaker identity in the perception of familiar and unfamiliar voices. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 145(2), 1604-1614. Link/PDF

LAVAN, N., Scott, S. K. & MCGETTIGAN, C. (2016). Laugh like you mean it: Authentic emotional experience modulates acoustic, physiological and perceptual properties of laughter. Journal of Nonverbal Behaviour 40, 133-149Link/PDF

MCGETTIGAN, C. (2016) Commentary on “Neural correlates of mirth and laughter: A direct electrical cortical stimulation study” by Yamao and colleagues. Cortex 75, 241–243. Link/PDF

Meekings, S.*, Evans, S.*, LAVAN, N., Boebinger, D., Krieger-Redwood, K., Cooke, M. & Scott S. K. (2016). Distinct neural system recruited during speech production in different masking sounds. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 140(1), 8-19. Link/PDF

Pisanski, K., Cartei, V., MCGETTIGAN, C., Raine, J., & Reby, D. (2016). Voice Modulation: A Window into the Origins of Human Vocal Control?. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 20(4), 304-318.​ Link/PDF


Adank, P., MCGETTIGAN, C., Kotz, S. (2015) Editorial: Current research and emerging directions on the cognitive and neural organization of speech processing. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9, 305. Link/PDF

LAVAN, N.*, Lima, C.F.*, Harvey, H., Scott, S.K., MCGETTIGAN, C. (2015) I thought that I heard you laughing: Contextual facial expressions modulate the perception of authentic laughter and crying. Cognition & Emotion, 29(5), 935-944. Link/PDF

Lima, C.F.*, LAVAN, N.*, Evans, S., Agnew, Z., Halpern, A.R., Shanmugalingam, P., Meekings, S., Boebinger, D., Ostarek, M., MCGETTIGAN, C., Warren, J.E., Scott, S.K. (2015) Feel the Noise: Relating Individual Differences in Auditory Imagery to the Structure and Function of Sensorimotor Systems. Cerebral Cortex, 25, 4638-4650. Link/PDF

MCGETTIGAN, C. (2015) The Social Life of Voices: studying the neural bases for the expression and perception of the self and others during spoken communication. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9, 129. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00129. Link/PDF

MCGETTIGAN, C., Walsh, E., Jessop, R., Agnew, Z.K., Sauter, D.A., Warren, J.E., Scott, S.K. (2013) Individual differences in laughter perception reveal roles for mentalising and sensorimotor systems in the evaluation of emotional authenticity. Cerebral Cortex, 25, 246-257. Link/PDF

Scott, S.K., MCGETTIGAN, C. (2015) The Voice: From Identity to Interactions. APA Handbook of Nonverbal Communication. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Link/PDF
Agnew, Z.K., Van de Koot, H., MCGETTIGAN, C., Scott, S.K. (2014). Do sentences with unaccusative verbs involve syntactic movement? Evidence from neuroimaging. Language and Cognitive Processes, 29, 1035-1045. Link/PDF
Kyong, J., Scott, S.K., Rosen, S., Howe, T., Agnew, Z.K., MCGETTIGAN, C. (2014). Exploring the roles of spectral detail and intonation contour in speech intelligibility: An fMRI study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 26, 1748-1763. Link/PDF
LAVAN, N., Lima, C.F. (2014) Neurocognitive Mechanisms for Vocal Emotions: Sounds, Meaning, Action. Journal of Neuroscience 34, 12950-12952. Link/PDF

MCGETTIGAN, C., Rosen, S., Scott, S.K. (2014). Lexico-semantic and acoustic-phonetic processes in the perception of noise-vocoded speech: implications for cochlear implantation. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 8(18), 1-11. Link/PDF

MCGETTIGAN, C., Scott, S.K. (2014). Voluntary and involuntary processes affect the production of verbal and non-verbal signals by the human voice. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37, 564-565. Link/PDF

Scott, S.K., LAVAN, N., Chen, S., MCGETTIGAN, C. (2014) The social life of laughter. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 18, 618-620. Link/PD

Agnew, Z. K., MCGETTIGAN, C., Banks, B., and Scott, S. K. (2013). Articulatory movements modulate auditory responses to speech. NeuroImage 73, 191-199. Link/PDF


Evans, S. , Kyong, J. , Rosen, S. , Golestani, N. , Warren, J. , MCGETTIGAN, C. , Mourao-Miranda, J. , Wise, R. & Scott, S. (2013). The pathways for intelligible speech: multivariate and univariate perspectives. Cerebral Cortex24(9), 2350-2361. Link/PDF

MCGETTIGAN, C., Eisner, F., Agnew, Z.K., Manly, T., Wisbey, D., Scott, S.K. (2013). T’aint what you say, it’s the way that you say it - left insula and inferior frontal cortex work in interaction with superior temporal regions to control the performance of vocal impersonations. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 25, 1875-1886. Link/PDF

Scott, S.K., MCGETTIGAN, C. (2013). Do temporal processes underlie left hemisphere dominance in speech perception? Brain and Language 127, 36-45. Link/PDF


Scott, S.K., MCGETTIGAN, C. (2013). The neural processing of masked speech. Hearing Research303, 58-66. Link/PDF


Scott, S.K., MCGETTIGAN, C., Eisner, F. (2013) The neural basis of links and dissociations between speech perception and production. In Bolhuis, J.J. & Everaert, M. (Eds.), Birdsong, Speech & Language. Converging Mechanisms (pp. 277-295). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Link/PDF


MCGETTIGAN, C.*, Evans, S.*, Rosen, S., Agnew, Z.K., Shah, P., Scott, S.K. (2012). An application of univari- ate and multivariate approaches in fMRI to quantifying the hemispheric lateralization of acoustic and linguistic processes. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 24(3), 636-652. Link/PDF

MCGETTIGAN, C., Faulkner, A., Altarelli, I., Obleser, J., Baverstock, H., Scott, S.K. (2012). Speech comprehension aided by multiple modalities: behavioural and neural interactions. Neuropsychologia 50(5), 762-776. Link/PDF

MCGETTIGAN, C., Scott, S.K. (2012) Cortical asymmetries in speech perception: what’s wrong, what’s right and what’s left? Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16(5), 269-76. Link/PDF


​​​​Scott, S.K., MCGETTIGAN, C. (2012) Amplitude onsets and spectral energy in perceptual experience. Frontiers in Psychology 3:80. Link/PDF


Agnew, Z.K., MCGETTIGAN, C., Scott, S.K. (2011). Discriminating between auditory and motor cortical re- sponses to speech and non-speech mouth sounds. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 23(12), 4038-4047. Link/PDF

MCGETTIGAN, C., Warren, J.E., Eisner, F., Marshall, C.R., Shanmugalingam, P., Scott, S.K. (2011). Neural correlates of sublexical processing in phonological working memory. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 23(4), 961-977. Link/PDF


Eisner, F., MCGETTIGAN, C., Faulkner, A., Rosen, S., Scott, S.K. (2010). Inferior frontal gyrus activation predicts individual differences in perceptual learning of cochlear-implant simulations. Journal of Neuroscience 30(21), 7179-7186. Link/PDF

MCGETTIGAN, C., Agnew, Z.K., Scott, S.K. (2010) Are articulatory commands automatically and involuntarily activated during speech perception? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107(12), E42-E42. Link/PDF

Scott, S. K., Sauter, D., MCGETTIGAN, C. (2010). Brain mechanisms for processing perceived emotional vocalizations in humans. In S. M. Brudzynski (Ed.), Handbook of mammalian vocalization: An integrative neuroscience approach (pp. 187-198). London: Academic Press. Link/PDF



Garrido, L., Eisner, F., MCGETTIGAN, C., Stewart, L., Sauter, D., Hanley, J.R., Schweinberger, S.R., Warren, J.D., Duchaine, B. (2009). Developmental phonagnosia: a selective deficit of vocal identity recognition. Neuropsychologia 47(1), 123-131. Link/PDF

Scott, S.K., MCGETTIGAN, C., Eisner, F. (2009) A little more conversation, a little less action - candidate roles for motor cortex in speech perception. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 10(4), 295-302. Link/PDF


Davis, M.H., Johnsrude, I.S., Hervais-Adelman, A., Taylor, K., MCGETTIGAN, C. (2005). Lexical Information Drives Perceptual Learning of Distorted Speech: Evidence from the Comprehension of Noise-vocoded Sentences. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 134(2), 222-241. Link/PDF

*Indicates joint first authorship

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